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How to Market Yourself as a Coach or Consultant - Oferta - numai 10 USD !

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By Administrator 4106 days ago
Discount amount: 90 %
Valid from: 10 June, 2013
Valid until: 17 June, 2013 (Voucher expired)

Learn how to use the 4Ps of marketing for Designing a Business, Brand & Marketing that Attract Your Ideal Clients

This is not your typical marketing course. 

Most marketing courses cover what's actually known as Marketing Communications. Marketing communications is how you get the word out about you and your business. But your marketing communications (promotion) won't work if you don't first address 3 of the other 4Ps of Marketing:

  1. Product
  2. Price
  3. Plan

This course addresses all 4 P's of marketing because all four are necessary if you want your business to succeed.

If you're a coach, consultant, or other service professional who sells your expertise, this course will teach you everything you need to know to effectively package, brand, and market your services.

This comprehensive course will not only teach you what you need to do, it provides simple exercises that walk you through each step so you can easily apply what you're learning to your business (whether it's an existing business or you're just getting started). 

In this course I will help you design your 4Ps of marketing:

  1. Product: develop the best program or service to help both you and your clients reach your goals.
  2. Price: price your programs to ensure you can reach your financial and lifestyle goals.
  3. Plan: develop a marketing plan to reach your ideal clients, attract them into your business, and convert them into paying clients.
  4. Promotion: develop a marketing message that connects and resonates with your ideal clients (and feels good to share... not salesy or hypey!), and select the best marketing activities to help you reach your goals.

This course about 4Ps of marketing includes live teaching and slideshow video instruction. 

This course also includes:

  • Ebooks that provide significant depth and step-by-step instructions so you can apply what you're learning to your business
  • Sample materials that provide real-world examples of what is being taught
  • Worksheets, templates, and handouts for all exercises that make them easy to complete
  • Free and Low-cost Resources to help you complete all of the work as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible

7 simple steps make it easy to follow along and implement.

This course is structured in 7 simple steps, with exercises to help you apply each step to your coaching or consulting business. 

You can complete the course in as little as one week, assuming you complete one step per day. However, most students will probably find it beneficial to spend a little more time. This course is designed to help you custom design your business, programs and services, brand, and marketing, so time should be taken to do this with careful thought and attention, for the best results. 

Who should take this course on 4Ps of marketing and marketing mix promotion?

  1. Coaches, consultants, and other service professionals who "sell their expertise" and are not happy with the results they are currently getting in their business: they aren't attracting enough clients, or the right clients; aren't making enough money or are not profitable; or are working too hard and not enjoying their business. 
  2. New coaches and consultants, or those who are just thinking about starting a coaching or consulting business should take this course to ensure they are setting up their business and marketing effectively from the start.

If you're tired of struggling in your coaching or consulting business, not attracting enough or the right clients, not making a profit, working too hard, or simply not enjoying what you do; or you're just getting started and you have no idea where to begin, this course is for you. You'll learn and apply the very same strategies I charge my private consulting clients thousands of dollars for, for a fraction of the price!

