Results for "web development"


  • creare website personalizat in functie de nevoi

    Ofer servicii de creare website personalizat, in functie de cerinte si nevoi. Preturi incepand de la (cel mai mic pachet) 250 euro + hosting, domeniu si certificat SSL de securitate (aprox 250 lei pe an) Iata ce pot face: - Consultanta gratuita in alegerea domeniului (nume si a furn...

    Tags: website, site, magazin online, blog, programare, programator, web development, web design, site web, pagina web, site de prezentare, developer, wordpress, e-commerce, woocomerce, comert online

    1728 days ago

  • Călin Mateuț

    In  urma cursurilor celor de la LINK Group (Link Academy), specializarea PHP web development am acumulat cunostinte in urmatoarele limbaje si programe: HTML & CSS PHP JavaScript WordPress DreamWeaver De asemenea, dorinta de a imi dezvolta cunostintele in web development m-a impins s...

    Hobby: web design, web development, self-educated, fotbal, arbitru fotbal

    2048 days ago

  • Alexandra Nastase

    Skills: Photoshop, Illustrator, Web Development, InDesign

    3015 days ago

  • Creare site web profesional responsive

    Realizam site-uri web, bloguri, magazine virtuale  in: Html, Php, Xhtml, Css, Javascript, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Wordpress, Joomla, Opencart, Prestashop etc  

    Tags: Web development, Web design, IT development

    3098 days ago

  • Creare site web profesionist

    Realizam site-uri web, portaluri, bloguri, magazine virtuale  in: Html, Php, Xhtml, Css, Javascript, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Wordpress, Joomla, Opencart, Prestashop etc  

    Tags: Web development, Web design, IT development

    3351 days ago

  • Brightdab Invest


    Hobby: Web development, calculatoare, Programare. Skills: Web development, Web design, html, php, XHTML, css, JavaScript, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle etc

    3026 days ago

  • LauraG

    Graphic/web designer, webdeveloper și translator (engleză-germană). Fac și glume bune.

    Skills: german and english to romanian translations, web development, web and graphic design

    3770 days ago

  • Wordpress, Optimize Press intergration with Clickbank

    I have a membership site i have membership pages and would like them linked/ intergrated with clickbank. I have a clickbank account just need help setting it up with my website.-- Delivered by Feed43 service

    Tags: odesk, web development, web design, proiecte odesk

    3789 days ago

  • Custom design for Dynamik child theme

    Hi, I would like someone to provide a custom design using the Dynamik child theme on studiopress. I would provide a styles and colour theme based on an existing site as a brief. And then you would go in and change all the settings to achieve it. Can you do this? Thanks Simon-- Delivered by Feed43...

    Tags: odesk, web development, web design, proiecte odesk

    3789 days ago

  • [PHP] Simple web project

    Create a simple website to add/delete/list/display simple product to database + admin page + polling. Please note that I need this by tomorrow (18 hours) All payments will be make after code is received and validated.-- Delivered by Feed43 service

    Tags: odesk, web development, web design, proiecte odesk

    3789 days ago

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