Results for "web development"



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  • Cursuri online - The Complete Web Developer - 49$

    ...Everything You Need To Know web development course about making websites....s never a bad time to learn web development. Here are the topics we will...b developer trying to learn web development. And for intermediate web dev...Because at the end of this web development course, you'll be able to mak...

    4325 days ago


  • Călin Mateuț

    In  urma cursurilor celor de la LINK Group (Link Academy), specializarea PHP web development am acumulat cunostinte in urmatoarele limbaje si programe: HTML & CSS PHP JavaScript WordPress DreamWeaver De asemenea, dorinta de a imi dezvolta cunostintele in web development m-a impins s...

    Hobby: web design, web development, self-educated, fotbal, arbitru fotbal

    2051 days ago

  • Alexandra Nastase

    Skills: Photoshop, Illustrator, Web Development, InDesign

    3018 days ago

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