Great communicator for a quick interview by Madafreelancing
I am looking for a skilled freelancer to participate in a quick interview. Requirements: - the desired candidate should know a great deal about freelancing - have experience/portfolio - great communication... (Budget: $2-$3 USD, Jobs: C++ Programming, Romanian, Web Search, Website Design)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, C++ Programming, Romanian, Web Search, Website Design
3944 days ago
Excellent communicator for quick interview by Madafreelancing
I am looking for a skilled freelancer to participate in a quick interview. Requirements: - the desired candidate should know a great deal about freelancing - have experience/portfolio - great communication... (Budget: $2-$4 USD, Jobs: Romanian)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Romanian
3945 days ago
Spune-mi ce animal de companie ai si iti voi spune ce tip de freelancer esti
Atunci cand lucrezi ca si freelancer ai avantajul de a lucra de acasa, in compania familiei dar si a animalelor domestice. Esti legat de ele printr-o legatura foarte intima. Alegerea animalului tau de companie spune foarte multe despre tine, despre personalitate ta, despre viata ta personala si d...Tags: freelancer, sfaturi, calitati, animal de companie, liber profesionist, sarcini, proiecte
3949 days ago
Experienced VA with great communication skills by Madafreelancing
I am looking for a skilled freelancer to participate in a quick interview. This is a really nice, non-formal and fun job. Requirements: - the desired candidate should know a great deal about freelancing... (Budget: $2 USD, Jobs: HTML, Romanian, Translation, Virtual Assistant, Website Design)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, HTML, Romanian, Translation, Virtual Assistant, Website Design
3952 days ago
Translation from English to: Italian, French, German, Romanian, Spanish. 200 words. by trzmiel
I preffer single company which can be able to translate to different languages. (Budget: $30-$250 USD, Jobs: French, German, Italian, Romanian, Translation)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, French, German, Italian, Romanian, Translation
3953 days ago
Aplicatie pontaj CakePHP by ResonanceElectr
Dezvoltarea unei aplicatii pentru inregistrare si raportare pontaj. Baza de date va fi comuna cu a unei alte aplicatii CakePHP (existente). Detalii in documentul atasat. (Budget: €30-€250 EUR, Jobs: PHP, Romanian, Software Architecture)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, PHP, Romanian, Software Architecture
3953 days ago
De ce sunt freelancerii niste excelenti parteneri comerciali?
Cei care au o firma mica sau o agentie stiu ca este destul de dificil ca proiectele sa iasa asa cum isi doresc si ca se pot trezi destul de repede supraincarcati. Proiectele pot incepe sa se acumuleze si va vedeti nevoiti sa refuzati unele dintre ele sau sa le dati pe mana cui nu trebuie. Este m...Tags: freelancer, sfaturi, parteneri, liber profesionist, colaborare, clienti
3956 days ago
Skilled VA needed for a quick interview by Madafreelancing
I am looking for a skilled freelancer to participate in a quick interview. The desired candidate should know a great deal about freelancing and already have a portfolio/reviews. This is a really quick, non-formal and fun job... (Budget: $2-$4 USD, Jobs: Romanian)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Romanian
3956 days ago
Amazing VA needed for a quick interview by Madafreelancing
I am looking to hire an amazing VA for a quick interview. The desired candidate should know a great deal about freelancing and already have a portfolio/reviews. This is a short-term job, but there is... (Budget: $2-$8 USD, Jobs: Freelance, Romanian)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Freelance, Romanian
3957 days ago
Translate website from English into Romanian by lbloms
We want the website translated into Romanian. Output See the word file included with around 5100 words. The Romanian text need to be added below each sentence and the word file is then given back to me... (Budget: £20-£250 GBP, Jobs: English (UK), Romanian)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, English (UK), Romanian
3958 days ago