Romania- media relations/PR support to distribute press release -- 2 by FreelancerGB
I am looking to hire someone to help sell in a press release to Romanian journalists. You will have to call up journalists and ensure they have received the release and sell the story to them so they print it... (Budget: €12-€18 EUR, Jobs: Public Relations, Romanian)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Public Relations, Romanian
3877 days ago
Marketing of electronic products in Greece by MetthewEVOLVEO
We are looking for a native Greek who lives in Greece and has an experience with a Product Public Relation. We need to arrange a promotion for the rugged phones: (Budget: $250-$750 USD, Jobs: English (US), Marketing, Public Relations, Romanian)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, English (US), Marketing, Public Relations, Romanian
3874 days ago
Freelanceri, nu mintiti in CV !
CV foarte inflorit, diplome inventate, experiente fictive… Multi dintre noi prefera sa isi « machieze » sau sa infrumuseteze CV-ul pentru a atrage atentia clientilor sau a anumitor firme. Dar pana unde putem sa mergem? Noi va sfatuim sa fiti cat mai transparenti si co...Tags: freelancer, sfaturi, recrutare, cv, liber profesionist, colaborare, clienti
3879 days ago
Thesis on evaluation of employee performance (HR) by CristinaMaria
Hello, I would like a 50-70 page thesis written on Employee Performance in Romanian. Its necessary for the freelancer to be a native Romanian speaker. The thesis should cover the following aspects:... (Budget: $30-$250 USD, Jobs: Academic Writing, Romanian)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Academic Writing, Romanian
3888 days ago
Traducere manuale instructiuni EN to RO by florincristea22
Traducerea manualelor de instructiuni atasate din limba Engleza in Romana cu pastrarea cat mai exacta a formatului original. (Budget: €30-€250 EUR, Jobs: Editing, English (US), Romanian, Translation, Word)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Editing, English (US), Romanian, Translation, Word
3891 days ago
URGENT RO-EN Translation - 28 pages by DanaZlg
I have an urgent project to be translated until tomorrow, 26.05.2014, at 4 pm (GMT+2). The text contains many technical words and it will be split in four parts in order to deliver the project on time... (Budget: $30-$250 USD, Jobs: English (UK), English (US), Romanian, Technical Writing, Transl...Tags: freelancer, proiecte, English (UK), English (US), Romanian, Technical Writing, Translation
3893 days ago
I need advertorials on Romanian blogs written in Romanian language. by razvan290520
I need advertorials on Romanian blogs. The advertorials must be written by you and have a minimum of 350 words, be unique and be written in Romanian. I need a minimum of 15-20 advertorials on blogs with page rank at least 3... (Budget: $30-$250 USD, Jobs: Articles, Blog, Content Writing, Link Bui...Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Articles, Blog, Content Writing, Link Building, Romanian
3895 days ago
Traducatori autorizati RO-IT-RO - Colaborare by DanaZlg
Cautam urgent traducatori autorizati de limba italiana pentru domeniul administrativ, juridic, financiar, tehnic, comercial si numai, in regim de colaborare. Rugam completarea si trimiterea formularului atasat... (Budget: $30-$250 USD, Jobs: Italian, Romanian, Translation)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Italian, Romanian, Translation
3896 days ago
German, Hebrew and Romanian translators needed by prithvionearth
Hi, I want to add native translators working in the German, Hebrew and Romanian languages to add to my team. Please let me know your best rates for a long term association. Regards Prithvi (Budget: $2-$8 USD, Jobs: German, Hebrew, Romanian, Transcription, Translation)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, German, Hebrew, Romanian, Transcription, Translation
3901 days ago
Need Romanian Tutor for Online Chat through Skype by Enanito
I would like to talk to you on Skype also on my phone throughout the day if I have questions. Thanks Around 5.00 an hour would be awesome. (Budget: $2-$8 USD, Jobs: Romanian)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Romanian
3902 days ago