Recrutarea unui freelancer- greseli de evitat
Cei care sunt in domeniul freelance-ului stiu cum sta treaba. Uneori primesc in mod regulat propuneri de colaborari, fie ca provin ele de la firme, fie ca provin de la recrutori. Acestea sunt cel mai adesea pertinente si duc foarte des la unele colaborari fructuoase. Dar uneori aceeasi liberi pro...Tags: freelancer, sfaturi, recrutare, greseli, liber profesionist, colaborare
3970 days ago
3 probleme la siteul meu - repost by sabinst
1. Am un banner care spune ca la cumparaturile peste 500 RON ai un cupon de 5% la urmatoarea comanda. Vreau sa schimb bannerul si sa creez o alta optiune: La cumparaturi de peste 200 RON primesti un cupon... (Budget: €10-€500 EUR, Jobs: Open Cart, Romanian)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Open Cart, Romanian
3979 days ago
virtual assistant - open to bidding by usahawk
hi there i m looking virtual assistant i would be pleased to understand that if i can find honest virtual assistant in eddition i would like to proceed further . regards (Budget: $250-$750 USD, Jobs: Data Entry, Excel, Romanian, Transcription, Virtual Assistant)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Data Entry, Excel, Romanian, Transcription, Virtual Assistant
3980 days ago
Translation from German (Deutch) to Romanian and Russian by RobertOlsen
Hello, I will require to translate 2 drug leaflets in German language to Romanian or Russian. One leaflet contains 5-8 pages (3000 words). Please make a bid. (Budget: $10-$30 USD, Jobs: German, Romanian, Translation)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, German, Romanian, Translation
3982 days ago
Translate educational games (Romanian) by igorgalochkin
See the attached task file. It's about translating descriptions and in-game texts for educational games. Work amount is roughly 8-10k words (in the original English text), please see the details in the attached file... (Budget: €30-€250 EUR, Jobs: Romanian)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Romanian
3984 days ago
translation of 390 words to Vietnamese and Romanian by Scout200
Looking for a romanian, vietnamese linguist to work from English to romanian / vietnamese on an excel document for us. Deadline tomorrow morning GMT. Budget 10 USD for 390 words. (Budget: $10-$30 USD, Jobs: Romanian, Translation, Vietnamese)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Romanian, Translation, Vietnamese
3995 days ago
Translation of a 90 minute mp3 from Romanian into hungarian by peterugocean
Hi I have a 90 minute mp3, a guy talking in Romanian, about some horoscope related things. i would like to have a simple transcript of ideas and some facts spoken by that man, in Hungarian language... (Budget: €8-€30 EUR, Jobs: Hungarian, Romanian, Translation)Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Hungarian, Romanian, Translation
3997 days ago
Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Romanian
3997 days ago
Translate 7 Short English Emails To Romanian - Repost - open to bidding - repost 2 by stolo2005
There are 7 short English emails attached here to this project and I need them to be translated in to Romanian. I need them translated in to Romanian within 24 hours from me accepting your bid. You must have good Romanian grammar... (Budget: €30-€250 EUR, Jobs: Academic Writing, Article...Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Academic Writing, Article Rewriting, Copywriting, Romanian, Translation
3999 days ago
5 etape pentru a-ti gasi mai multe proiecte in calitate de freelancer
Numeroase proiecte sau sarcini pentru freelanceri se posteaza zi de zi pe Internet. Dar pentru a optimiza sansele de a fi selectionat dintre sutele de liberi profesionisti pentru proiectele tale de vis iata cateva sfaturi pentru a te prezenta mai bine si pentru a-ti pune in valoare competentele. ...Tags: freelancer, activitate, sfaturi, congrazie, comunitate, internet
3999 days ago