Results for "Mobile Phone"


  • Racing Rivals Game by jorgeham1

    Dear guys we looking for similar game as 'racing rivals'. it is a well known game. but if you not know it than check it first before you place a bid. see; (Budget: $750-$1500 USD, Jobs: 3D Animation, Animation, Game Design...

    Tags: proiecte, freelance jobs, freelancer romanesc, 3D Animation, Animation, Game Design, iPhone, Mobile Phone

    3707 days ago

  • Barcode Scanner iOS by pr0x1m0

    I need a barcode scanner application to scan a barcode to see if there is an existing data in the db about the product, otherwise user can submit data to db. Application will be entegrated with a web service which will query our db... (Budget: $250-$750 USD, Jobs: iPhone, Mobile Phone)

    Tags: freelancer, proiecte, iPhone, Mobile Phone

    4067 days ago

  • Video_record by kingakash

    The main features of the app are video recording and sharing (short videos), similar to "Vine" app on the app store. I already have the designs and graphics for the app. I need someone who can help in... (Budget: $8-$15 USD, Jobs: iPhone, Mobile Phone)

    Tags: freelancer, proiecte, iPhone, Mobile Phone

    4067 days ago

  • android word game marketing by belondon

    we have a word game for Android devices, and we are looking for a professional company to push our ranking on the google play store. In out Category and for the search "word games" we want to be at the top... (Budget: kr192-kr1600 SEK, Jobs: Android, Google App Engine, Internet Marketing, Market...

    Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Android, Google App Engine, Internet Marketing, Marketing, Mobile Phone

    4068 days ago

  • Mobile forward and site version and a cpl cron jobs written hiring tonight by tampacoder

    We are using a collaboration script called collabtive, we have highly customized this to fit our specific needs. Here is what we need done 1. using or better we need to detect mobile devices and re route them to a mobile version of current site... (B...

    Tags: freelancer, proiecte, HTML5, jQuery / Prototype, Mobile Phone, PHP, SQL

    4074 days ago

  • Create an iphone app by bkvennard

    I would like someone to create an iphone app that has the ability to crop a specific part of a picture. i.e. it can select and crop just the chair from a picture. The technology to select the appropriate part of the image would be something simlar to the quick selection tool in photoshop... (Bu...

    Tags: freelancer, proiecte, AJAX, HTML5, iPhone, jQuery / Prototype, Mobile Phone

    4074 days ago

  • Android Games by manum91

    I would like to have some game for Android ready to publish.\r\nPlease bid who have source code and please show me your sample.\r\nI accept also old classic game. (Budget: $10-$30 USD, Jobs: Android, Game Design, Mobile Phone)

    Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Android, Game Design, Mobile Phone

    4079 days ago

  • Need iPhone App similar to Bubbly or Dubbler by samkho

    Hi, We are looking to create an iPhone App similar to Bubbly or Dubbler ( see the links below ) . (Budget: min $5000 USD, Jobs: Android, iPad, iPhone, Mob...

    Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Android, iPad, iPhone, Mobile Phone, Objective C

    4079 days ago

  • Mobile Marketplace App / Android & iOS by adp116

    We are looking for a technical partner to help us create a simple mobile marketplace application like those ones: Our application will be in different languages... (Budget: $750-$1500 USD, Jobs: Android, iPhone, Mobile Phone)

    Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Android, iPhone, Mobile Phone

    4079 days ago

  • I need someone who can create an small android app to connect to a java app. - repost by avnccharlotte

    I need someone who can create an small android app to connect to a java app which is running on a local PC. (Budget: $30-$250 USD, Jobs: Android, Mobile Phone)

    Tags: freelancer, proiecte, Android, Mobile Phone

    4082 days ago

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