Category: market:Buy Price: RON500 By Tudor Nacu 720 days ago
Inginer Mix & Master cu diploma in domeniu de la University of Lincoln, UK care acum studiaza ca masterant la Berklee College of Music in cadrul cursului de productie si inginerie de sunet. Pot sa creez un mix master de cea mai inalta calitate...
Category: market:Buy Price: RONin fuctie de proiect By Madalina Predut 980 days ago
Buna ! Sunt Madalina ! Stiu ca timpul tau e pretios, si din acest motiv sunt eu aici. Iti usurez munca si te pot ajuta in redactarea oricarui timp de document in word, power point, excel. Creez grafica pentru carti de vizita, invitatii nunta, botez,...
Category: market:Sell Price: RON20 By MANTEA999 1108 days ago
I am a very responsible person who takes the work to the end. I really like foreign languages, at the moment I know English, Russian and Romanian. I am also about to learn German. In general, I want to learn more languages in the near...