www.odesk.com - Current website: avgeeks.ca Current html test site: avgeeks.ca/de Need a complete redesign, mock-up available upon decision of contractor. Onpage chat/message integration pop-up Domain to private switch over Video integration into site as widescreen...
www.odesk.com - I require someone to create a fairly straightforward 3 page website for WordPress. I have an example I need you to follow, it includes on both pages: - top nav bar - social sharing functionality Page 1: homepage - 3 section paralax - section 1:...
www.odesk.com - I am building a browser-based collectible card game, similar to Blizzard Entertainment's Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. I need a front-end engineer who is experienced with writing web applications that manipulate a lot of state in the browser.
www.odesk.com - I am using FeedWordpress plugin to feed a new Wordpress site from the old live site from RSS feeds. Although the posts have one image they are posted with three images. Need to fix this or if you can recommend and install a new plug-in that works...
www.odesk.com - Looking for a developer for a 3-6 month project, 40 hours a week. Requirements: - experience as a developer - at least 5 years; - experience with Python and JavaScript - at least 3 years; - must be able to work in an environment where deploying...
www.freelancer.com - Hi, I am editing a video for an event but I want to make it more exciting! I know you do animation and after effects, maybe you could help me? I do need it done in a few hours however. (Budget: $15-$25 CAD, Jobs: 3D Animation, Animation, Video...
www.freelancer.com - We have a PDF brochure in English with simple images (see file attached), and a Word document in Portuguese. We need someone that will (a) convert the Brochure lay-out from PDF into Word, treat the... (Budget: $30-$250 USD, Jobs: PDF, Photoshop,...
www.freelancer.com - Hi, rank my site first on google within 1 month, keyword is exactly same as domain name (Budget: $30-$250 USD, Jobs: Internet Marketing, Link Building, Marketing, SEO)
www.freelancer.com - I would like someone to help me to customise my posts from the Theme "Pinboard" so that my WP Courseware Units (posts) (1) do not show social media icons/sharing/editing/publisher details. (2) So that... (Budget: $10-$30 AUD, Jobs: CSS, HTML, PHP,...
www.freelancer.com - Hallo, Ich suche jemanden der mir ein Logo für meine Webseite erstellt. Ein beispiel Logo ist im Anhang. Größen: 728 x 400 (Budget: €8-€30 EUR, Jobs: Graphic Design)